Monday, May 31, 2010

Splish, Splash!

Summer days bring lots of bubble baths...

My little bubble boy loves Splishin' and Splashin'
after a hot summer day!

And this bath-time equation says it all...


...and we love how well he 'writes' his name!

Soakin' Footprints in the bath mat!

Hello Beautiful Summer!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Little Ray of Sunshine

...with lots of Puppy Love!

We love feeling the touch of Summer when temps reach 80/90° so our days can be filled with rays of beautiful sunshine! It was the perfect weather to entertain some family that were visiting from the Carolina's! From hopscotch to sidewalk chalk, painting, picnics and daily trips to Rita's Water Ice...I think these kiddos sure had a great time! Not to mention, I was dog-sitting for my sister so I took the pooch with us to the lakes,

And Chase couldn't get enough of Lexi Lou...

...and only then, the love grew stronger with lots of puppy lovin' from all the sweet kiddies!

Lexi was in puppy heaven with all this special attention!

In between puppy hugs, they found themselves using their little creative minds full force pretending, creating, playing and enjoying the last few hours of sunset!

All while I found the perfect moments to snap a few photos of these precious little faces...

The boys worked up a sweat playing wiffle ball all afternoon!

The Rays of Sunshine continued throughout the rest of the weekend and this is where more outdoor fun caught up to us....

Of course, any time a little chicka-dee is in the house, I take the opportunity to give mani's/pedi's. Besides I love Pretty in Pink and it's what every girl needs!

And we love sleeping beauties!

But there is always the time when we must say our goodbyes until next time...which are never fun, but somehow feel comforting since we're always looking forward to future visits!
(Michael and I with our Goddaughter Mary Lynn) those chunker cheeks! Gotta love that face!

Hope to see the Southern folks again real soon!