A weekend filled with such a variety of Easter adventures that I opted to do a smaller breakdown of all the fun festivities ~ egg dyeing, egg hunts x2, tons of family time, and the actual Easter celebration to capture all the true holiday bliss! Of course, Family always comes first! Happy {pre}Easter

It's a tradition for us to capture a few
{okay, a whole-helluva-bundle} of family photos by my favorite blooming tree in my parents yard!

My sister and I couldn't wait to take our littles to the town's egg hunt! But first, as a little sis I had fun giving both of us cute, coordinating braids! It is what baby sisters do anyway! ;)

Easter baskets in hand, we took our babes to hunt for colorful eggs & goodies! The cousins were separated into their own age bracket! And, if you ever did an egg hunt with colored hard-boiled eggs, you'd know not to use the basket liner if the grass were damp {lesson learned from last year}. The kiddies were set.....
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