Saturday, September 26, 2009


On Thursday, Gavin brought home a yummy 'M'arshmallow collage that he made in school. The letter of the week is 'M'... what a marvelous piece of artwork that looks quite so yummy! :)

I can just picture all the little preschoolers doing such a fun activity. Sneaking a few nibbles as they intently glue this sweet treat onto some colorful paper.

We were excited to hear that Gavin was able to associate the letter M to one of the most important people in his life.
No, the word wasn't Mommy, nope.

Nah, not Michelle either.

It was 'Michael'.

Gavin was sure to tell his teacher that his daddy starts with the letter M...that his name is Michael. Well, at least we know that Gavin doesn't forget 'you know who' when he is having some fun at school! :)

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