What a beautiful day! After preschool pick-up, Michael and I spent the afternoon at the Philadelphia Zoo with Gavin and cousin Rowan. One more check off our summer list... but lots more zoo hullabaloos (and many more check-marks) to come!
We have been bringing Gav here ever since he was just a baby, so this year Michael and I renewed our season pass to keep the memories growing! Our first trip there this year...
The gorilla exhibit always amazes us but today was something special. This gorilla came over to greet Gavin and Rowan. They were practically imitating each other through the glass...the coolest thing ever!
Staring Contest (I think Rowan won)!
As the gorilla and kiddies all pace back and forth,
he always stops to check them out after a few steps!
Like seriously stops to examine their cute little faces!
And well these monkeys have so much love!
The monkey exhibit inside was certainly entertaining too!
The Baby Orangutan was just adorable climbing and playing all over his mama,
Then, we took a moment to plant our own little sunflower, which is sitting on our window sill growing bigger and stronger everyday... just like these two!
Of course, they make for cute baby orangutans!
A family pic with a cousin-cutie in the mix,
What is that: Lions, Tigers and Bears- Oh My!
Well, we weren't sure if these two tigers were about to brawl, play or just throwing love taps! We were hoping for one of the latter!
Haha! This photo cracks me up... looks like the tiger was about to lick G's finger!
Time for a refreshing sorbet snack!
Then, even more Animal & Lego exhibits,
Of course, we can't leave before getting a photo with a Phanatic statue!
One things for certain...
Within minutes of snuggling into their seats to head home,
they were off to dream land in a matter of seconds... Completely tuckered out!
The Zoo happens to be one of our favorite places to visit! Enjoy a glimpse back to one of our first zoo trips as a family of 3...
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