Happy Father's Day to all the fabulous daddies out there- including my Dad, my FIL and my wonderful husband who rocks our son's world (and mine too) to the moon and back! He sure is an amazing Daddy! ♥

We let Daddy catch up on some Zzzz's until 11:30 a.m. then surprised him with breakfast in bed,
(photos courtesy of our lil' dude)

finally got to give him the special gifts that we've been hiding for several weeks! Wowza...a secret with a toddler is super-duper hard to keep! ;)

G and I made these cards to coordinate nicely with the gift bag I scored for this special occasion! Turned out adorable if I may say so myself! ;)

Since our poor little man came down with one of his periodic fevers a few days prior, we enjoyed the day as a family of three and loved every minute of it!

Cookouts are our fave so we enjoyed a relaxing grilled dinner outside to celebrate!

The grilled pineapples were to die for...
but the cheesecake with berries was a close runner-up!

A special shout-out to my very own Dad...
I'll always be my Daddy's little girl! ♥

Happy Daddy Day!

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