It was no surprise that Gavin wanted to be Spiderman for Halloween, his all-time favorite superhero! He also asked that Daddy be Wolverine and Mommy be Superwoman. (Be sure to sneak back to theHalloween Birthday Bashfor our family superhero trio.)
Meet our adorable little superhero, G-man!
His little accessories are just too spidey-perfect, wouldn't you agree? We knew the Spiderman umbrella would come in handy with this rainy October!
A few photo ops of Spiderman and Superwoman!
Best little neighbor-ninja, John.
And with fellow trick-or-treaters/cousins, Rowan (Minnie Mouse) and Baby CJ (Mickey Mouse)
Oh, the cuteness!
Let the Trick-or-Treatin' fun begin...
In the end...lots of yummy sweet treats!
Enjoy a mini flashback of our little trick-or-treat-er from the previous years...