Meet our adorable little superhero, G-man!
His little accessories are just too spidey-perfect, wouldn't you agree? We knew the Spiderman umbrella would come in handy with this rainy October!
A few photo ops of Spiderman and Superwoman!
Best little neighbor-ninja, John.
And with fellow trick-or-treaters/cousins, Rowan (Minnie Mouse) and Baby CJ (Mickey Mouse)
Oh, the cuteness!
Let the Trick-or-Treatin' fun begin...
In the end...lots of yummy sweet treats!
Enjoy a mini flashback of our little trick-or-treat-er from the previous years...
2008: Buzz Lightyear
2007: Chunky Chicken...and Plump Pumpkin
2006: Cutest Lil' Lion (ever)