Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mr. Bear

Gavin did such a fabulous job at school today...AND not one tear shed at drop-off! After a quick peck and a lovable squeeze, Gavin went right over to mingle with his school buds. :)

The teachers rewarded Gavin the opportunity to take Mr. Bear home that day and write in Bear's journal about all the fun things they did together. Gavin was very lucky to be one of the first to care for Mr. Bear!

Here's what we had to say about Mr. Bear's visit...
"Mr. Bear was so much FUN! We started off with a refreshing nap after school. Afterward, we did some arts and crafts tracing Mr. Bear's furry body, and ate some yummy peanuts for an afternoon snack. Mr. Bear must have been really hungry because he ate the peanuts all up. YUM!"

"Then, my mommy and daddy got us ready to go to Mr. Bear's very first Phillies' game. We met up with lots of friends and teachers from school, ate some pizza, and cheered for the Phillies. We got SO lucky and scored a picture with the Phanatic...he was too funny. I took Mr. Bear to the Phillies Phun Zone and he loved going down the slide on my lap. Of course, the Phillies WON!"

"After a FUN day with Mr. Bear, it was time for us to turn in. At home, my mommy got us into pj's, read 3 bedtimes stories, and tucked us into bed. Mr. Bear snuggled right into me and we both drifted off to sleep for the rest of the night."

Dear Mr. Bear,
I was so happy to have you share a special day with me and my family. I will miss you but will look for you every day at school.


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