Where does the time go? I didn't realize that my baby would turn into such a BIG boy so soon. Well, the day we had discussed many months prior has arrived. At age 3 1/2 we had planned that Gavin would start his preschool years and head off to First Impressions Nursery School.

September 8, 2009: Mommy and Daddy (Nini and Rowan too) were there to take Gavin on his VERY 1st day. The morning started off with snuggles in bed...

...to a yummy breakfast with the 'blue man' (Cap'n Crunch). Clearly a special request from the school boy!

...and a few fun family photo opts!

Sadly, drop-off didn't go as smoothly as anticipated (for Gavin or Mommy). As it was time for us leave, I had to pry his sweet little fingers from my sweater. A few hearts broken! :(

Boy, was I counting down every tedious minute of those 3 long hours (which didn't come soon enough for mommy or daddy) before it was time to pick up our little man. He was waiting with his cute little backpack and full of smiles. After tons of hugs and kisses galore (and showing me the new things in his school bag) we all felt much better! :)

After pick-up, we took a trip to ToysR'Us so Gavin could pick out a very special surprise for doing so well on his 1st day at preschool. Gavin scored (yet another set) of his 2 favorite characters ~ Woody and Buzz!

Of course his tummy insisted a quick trip to Mickey D's would also do the trick!
And well, on the ride home Gavin mentioned that he was ready for school again (clearly his
first impression turned a frown upside down)...then looked up at me with those precious, bright blue eyes and in these exact words said,
"But, Mommy, I miss you already."
Now that, completely melt my heart...and Michael's too! :)
Although this is a major transition for all of us, we are SO excited for Gavin's very new milestone. I know Gavin will meet lots of new little buds, learn, and have tons of fun! We are SO proud of our *big* boy!
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