A Sailing Adventure with my crazy-awesome husband for our (pre)Anniversary getaway! Just a mini peek until November!
Disclaimer: those stylin' blue gloves were only worn to set sail, haha!

A Lego Grand Opening... perfect for a Sunday family outing. When we got the news about a Lego store grand opening we jumped on the idea of taking a drive to partake in some of the fun lego activities since Lego's are a favorite of Gav's.
Then, we helped build the biggest R2D2 and got a fun little builders certificate!

Now that Gavin has his own VIP card, he will be able to celebrate with 10 of his bestest buds for his 6th birthday celebration next year. Totally COOL! And my head is already spinning with the cutest Lego party decor! ;)

Such fun party decor and details- Amy threw a fantastic par-tay! I was happy to make these cute Mario favor tags for the cutest little guests-of-honor!

And, well, since I was way behind once again (what else is new, right?) this helped me get caught up a bit. Well sorta! Okay, so I am still way behind but life is throwing so much FUN things our way, I've come to the realization that I may never get ahead. Just sayin'! Anywhoooo....I can't wait for you to see the rest of our October-esque postings filled with pumpkin carvings, jumping in leaves, trick-or-treating, and all that other good Fall stuff!
A Mario 1st Birthday Bash...for Baby Anthony!
Happy Birthday little man!

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