Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday CJ

Doesn't this precious chubbergubs look familiar?

Well, he happens to be the most handsome nephew EVER! Only last year were we blessed with this adorable little man...and to think we are already celebrating his very 1st Birthday!

Where does the time go? If only we could halt time for just a moment and wrap our finger around all the goodness in life. Speaking of all that goodness, CJ's party was a Grand Slam for these little sports fans (and such cute cousins)!

The baseball themed decor and food was a big hit also!

Those cupcakes were a yummy treat,

But cotton candy was another favorite for these kiddies,

And mama's too!

Ceej, you're such a BIG BOY now!

Happiest 1st Birthday Wishes

We love you, forever and ever!

Love Uncle Mikey, Auntie Shelly-Belly, and Cousin Gavie
(in Rowan's words)

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Love, love, LOVE that pic of Sofia and Rowan!
