Hanks Gourmet Root Beer

Pearly Whites
Gavin has been visiting the dentist since he was two years old, so nothing was new when we went back for his 5th Dentist appt and all went SUPERB! His little pearly whites are looking strong and healthy...and, did I mention G actually enjoys going to visit the Pediatric Dentist! =)A few of us girls opted for a lunch date at Chickie's & Pete's Thursday afternoon-a perfect excuse for all the mama's to break away for an hour or two, with or without the kiddies. I opted for the latter, so after preschool pick-up I grabbed Gav to tag along...and he scored his fave drink- Hanks Gourmet Root Beer!

Pearly Whites
Gavin loves having little buds over for playdates, and David is one of his sidekicks! They have similar interests in sports so it was no surprise when they hit it off so well playing a game of baseball, kickball, and basketball! Boys will be boys!

What an honor it is to be Rowan Addison's Godmother~ Well, this past month Michael was asked to be the Godfather to her adorable little brother- Christopher Michael Jr. AND, this same month Michael and I were both asked to be the Godparents to sweet-pea Mary Lynn! We are truly Blessed to play such an important role in all three of their lives!

A sweet little celebration at PF Changs
How To Train Your Dragon

Off to Hawaii
I love Gav's imagination and this time at the playground his idea felt SO good. He pretended that he was sailing all of us to Hawaii (his choice) on a big cruise boat via a huge playground red wheel. So together we dreamed that we heading right for the islands of Hawaii! One day, Gavin will be traveling with us there...perhaps we'll catch the one way ticket! ;)After our fun little 3D Hop Stop adventure, we spent a day in King of Prussia shopping, lunching and a cute afternoon matinee! Gavin's movie choice was How To Train Your Dragon and it was such a cool movie! We have always been the movie-goers!
Champs3D Hop Stop
Over the Easter holiday, we took Gav to a fun little 3D hunt in ToysRus...it was quick, cute and a great little Hop Stop before all the festivities kept us on the move!
We love doing mommy lunch/shopping dates with the kiddies when Gavin has a day off from school...
Off to Hawaii
Fuzzy Squirrel Park
Every sunny afternoon, we like to take family strolls through the squirrel park to feed the bunny hurls some peanuts! Its such a good time when we have little cousin-buddies join in the fun!
Bouncin' Tots!
Nothing beats watching the little ones have a blast, hearing them giggle and get excited over and over again, always wanting more! Check out one of our bouncin' tot videos...they sure know how to have a good time! Turn up the volume,
(and my apologies for saying whoa about a thousand times, haha)
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